Case Study: Not your everyday use of promotional keyrings
Ad-loop key rings from LoopKeyrings.co.uk provide the answer to many unique challenges. Being flexible, practical, lightweight and cost-effective, they’re extremely versatile and can be used for a wide range of needs.
Jacqui Latham of centrepaws.com Dog Home Boarding in Snowdonia, North Wales was looking for a practical way to tag her canine residents, in case they abscond during their stay. Should a dog be found, she always wants to be the first port of call. The owner is on holiday, so unable to help, and she doesn’t want them to be worried unnecessarily.
As well as this practical requirement, Jacqui wanted to give her business credibility with a professionally branded collar tag for all her canine guests. LoopKeyrings.co.uk stood out as a supplier of ad-loop keyrings to be used as collar tags, having a wide selection of colours and options with competitive pricing.
The customised ad-loop key rings have met the brief and been very successful for Jacqui’s business. They look professional and wear well, particularly as her residents are Spaniels and Labradors, known for their love of water and mud, and adventures in bushes, hedgerows and brambles. The collar tags are also a hit for CentrePaws’ brand recognition, as owners recognise their dogs’ playmates wearing their tags when out on walks.
A benefit that Jacqui hadn’t anticipated was receiving calls from people who have found lost dogs, not in her care at that particular time, but who are wearing CentrePaws LoopKeyrings.co.uk tags. This is great for the dogs and their owners, but also for CentrePaws’ brand awareness and reputation in the local community.
Jacqui described LoopKeyrings.co.uk customer service as “ever helpful, super-efficient, and always professional and friendly.”
At LoopKeyrings.co.uk we’re delighted to have helped CentrePaws find a practical solution to a unique brief. The image for this case study had to be of Jacqui’s ever-faithful friend Oxo, who sadly passed away in 2018. He was nicknamed the guest dogs’ Entertainments Manager and is greatly missed by everyone at CentrePaws.
Get in touch
If you have a unique challenge for LoopKeyrings.co.uk, call 01772 429111, or get in touch via the website for a no obligation chat about how we can help you.